Who is BOB-A?
BOB-A is my baby, my most iconic (arguably), and is pretty much my favorite design. He is part of Gen 3, which meant that I made perfection from the very start of my Reddit Avatar journey.
I love him so much that I made him the official mascot for Qugmo!
He had to undergo a lot of changes but the concept of him being a boba was always present.
Making the background is pretty much the most difficult part for me. I mean, look at the background I made! It's underwater! It doesn't make sense. However, I had to integrate that into his lore which is that he came from the Great Boba Sea.
Anyway, when I first announced BOB-A and his design being leaked, people just fell in love with him...and he became a meme because of the character sucking his straw, aptly called Straw Snoo.
Some say that I started the borderline suggestive designs for the Reddit Collectible Avatars with BOB-A. Not gonna fully claim it but I just love the idea of starting a trend.


BOB-A Gang Illustration

Initial Design of BOB-A

Sketch of "almost final" BOB-A

Who is Inner Peace?
At this point (Gen 4), Reddit had provided us artists the capability to use PNGs for our designs! As someone who wants to experiment, as well as try to be the "first" at doing something, I made a color-changing galaxy avatar!
The reception towards Inner Peace was crazy good. People were loving her. And she was all sold out like in a day IIRC. It was crazy, and it gave me the confidence that I could actually do this thing.


Promotional Artwork for Gen 4, featuring Normal Adult, Inner Peace, and Sylvan (from left to right)

Who is Sherbet?
Remember when I said that I arguably "started the borderline suggestive designs" for the program? Yeah, I kinda doubled down on it with Sherbet.
Conceptually the Queen of Can De Ville, she initially had a flowy dress. However, I had a happy accident: two ice cream cones, with minor adjustments, look like "peaches" to some extent.
Anyway, it took her so long to get approved (~2 months) that I thought she'd get rejected and I'd get kicked out. Luckily, none of that happened.

Who is UFO?
UFO is an extraterrestrial traveler if the name wasn't obvious enough. I wanted to make a "Thanos Snapped" inspired avatar but couldn't think of how to do it until I thought about UFOs!
Despite being so happy with how UFO came to be, I was so scared of releasing him because there were quite a few UFO-based avatars that had just gotten released at the time, so I was scared of being labelled as a copycat (I wasn't really! It took this avatar so long to get approved!). Fortunately, I was just overthinking it 'cause shortly after it dropped, it sold out! Crazy, right?